“Impact de la colonisation sur le système éducatif indien et tentatives de décolonisation de l’éducation”
Wednesday, September 27th
12:00-13:00 (online)
Speaker : Manvi Arora, postdoctoral fellow, École de travail social, Project “Grandir Trans”. The conference will be given in English.
India was a colony of the British Empire for two centuries. During these two centuries, the impact of colonial domination was not limited to politics or economics, but extended to all spheres of Indian society, including the educational system. This conference will attempt to shed light on the impact of colonization on the Indian education system by exploring the ideological roots of the colonial rulers’ indulgence of mass education and its ongoing impact on the mode of teaching, curriculum and pedagogy, the assessment system, the identity of the teacher and the financing of education. The conference will also address the conflicts between the indigenous and colonial education systems and their lasting repercussions on the current model of institutionalized education applied in Indian classrooms. Finally, the conference will focus on India’s methodical response over the last century to decolonize education.
Zoom link: https://umontreal.zoom.us/j/86783768636?pwd=KzAyWTFCWWJONncrekJieTdhK0prZz09
To register to the online lunch-talks of the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la justice intersectionnelle, la décolonisation et l’équité (CRI-JaDE) : https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7O9-0kcq50uYHg-Jd_ox2N-Q5lS7_XRHmw3pvW6DUDFUN0xSQkxGMTYzNjhXSlRXVlI5VjhLS05IMi4u