Stanford Center for Ethics in Society
Stanford Center for Ethics in Society
2nd Annual Junior Scholars Workshop / June 9-11, 2019
Call for Submissions
Submission Deadline: January 14, 2019
The Center for Ethics in Society will host the second annual Junior Scholars Workshop at Stanford University on June 9-11, 2019. The workshop will feature the work of early career scholars in political philosophy, political theory, and moral philosophy, and is open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and untenured junior faculty. This workshop seeks to highlight the work of emerging scholars, and to advance the Center’s mission of bringing ethical reflection to bear on pressing social problems.
We are especially interested in scholarship in what might be called “interdisciplinary ethics.” Normative scholarship focused on issues like immigration, climate change, global poverty, and the governance of new technologies can benefit from engagement with the social sciences, law, engineering, and life sciences. We especially encourage submissions that bring relevant empirically-oriented scholarship to bear on normative questions and analysis. Yet we welcome submissions from political philosophers, political theorists, and moral philosophers that address any normative issue, whatever the methodological approach or topic.
Papers will be evaluated by multiple readers and on the basis of quality alone. Papers selected for the workshop will be pre-circulated and read in advance by all participants. We aim to select 8-10 papers, and each paper will be assigned one or two discussants.
Submission Details: Authors must be graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, or untenured junior faculty within five years of their Ph.D. We want the workshop to benefit scholars who are not current or former Stanford graduate students or postdocs, so individuals with those Stanford affiliations are ineligible to present at the workshop. Papers should be unpublished manuscripts not under review, must centrally address a normative issue, and be no longer than 10,000 words, including a brief abstract, notes, and references. Papers will be reviewed by a committee of philosophers and political theorists. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the review by mid-March 2019. Funding will be provided to pay for participants’ travel expenses and accommodations.
Submission deadline: January 14, 2019
Please submit all materials online at: stanfordethicsinsociety.slideroom.com
Submissions will not be accepted via email. If you have any questions, please email: ethics_submissions@stanford.edu