RGCS: “Democracy for Busy People.”

RGCS: “Democracy for Busy People.”
Lecture organized by Daniel Weinstock, Katharine A. Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy, Department of philosophy colloquium, McGill University: “Gender Pay Gaps.”
Online conference [in French] entitled “Autodétermination autochtone et sécurisation culturelle : réflexions juridiques et épistémiques” as part of the Epistemic Justice Webinar.
The Department of Philosophy of the University of Montreal welcomes Nico Silins (Cornell) for a conference entitled “The Lamp That Lights Itself”.
The call for applications for the program intended for undergraduate students is extended!
Responsibles: Cédric Sueur and François Jaquet.
The LABORATOIRE INNOV’AFRICA – RAJEC is proud to launch the first call for scientific contribution (in French) for their new journal
Call for communications for the student conference (in French) “Regards croisés sur l’inclusion.”
The Department of Philosophy of the University of Montreal welcomes Michael Kremer (U. Chicago), for a conference entitled “Animals, Infants and Idiots’: The Exclusion of Intellectual Disability in Gilbert Ryle’s Philosophy of Mind”.
The Research Group on Constitutional Studies Lecture: “Reality and Political Theory”.
Presentation from Gina Lafortune (UQÀM), as part of its Epistemic Justice Webinar of the Canada Research Chair on Epistemic Injustice and Agency.
“The Promise and Peril of Participatory Democracy: Lessons from Non-profit Housing Cooperatives,” January 26, 2024, 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
RGCS lecture series: “A ‘More Onerous Citizenship’: Political Theory in Plague Time.”
Call for abstracts.
Call for applications!
Lecture at the Department of philosophy, UdeM: “Dérives de validité dans la recherche psychiatrique”.