Reading group on ethics and economics at HEC
We are pleased to invite you to the first fall meeting of the reading group on economic philosophy. The meeting will be held in-person and online on November 28, 2024 at 9:30A.M. (Montreal time). For those attending in-person, the meeting will take place in room 840, 2nd floor at HEC, 3000 Chemin Côte Ste-Catherine (next to the library). We will discuss the text by Christensen, Parr and Axelsen, entitled “Justice for Millionaires?”.
We hope to see many of you at this first meeting, and would be delighted if you could share this invitation with anyone else who might be interested.
To obtain the Zoom link for the event, please write to: gabriel.monette@hec.ca.
Organized by Nicolas Pinsonneault, Morgane Delorme, Gabriel Monette (HEC Montréal), in collaboration with Justin Leroux (HEC Montréal), Dominic Martin (UQÀM) and Rafael Ziegler (HEC Montréal).