Metaethics Days: Responsibility and Intention
On May 24 and 25, 2024, the Metaethics days will be held under the theme of responsibility and intention. Papers will address fundamental issues related to these themes such as the doctrine of double effect, the nature of apologies and the importance of intention for free will. The event will take place at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland and is open to the public.
Provisional program
Neuchâtel University, Espace Tilo-Frey 1, Room RE.46
Friday, May 24
13h : Welcome
13h15-14h30 : Jean-Baptiste Guillon, « Libre arbitre et caractère intentionnel »
14h30-14h45 : Break
14h45-16h : Valérie Aucouturier, « L’étendue de la responsabilité »
16h15-16h30 : Break
16h30-17h45 : Cyrille Michon, « Blâme et interdiction »
20h : Conference dinner
Saturday, May 25
9h-10h15 : Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette, « Responsable, mais excusé »
10h15-11h30 : John Hyman, « Freedom and Excuses »
11h30-11h45 : Break
11h45-13h : Sarah Stroud, « Torts interpersonnels »
The event is funded by the Swiss National Research Fund (SNFS) for the project “The Defense-First Approach to Responsibility” (principal researcher: S.-P. Chevarie-Cossette) and by the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences from the University of Neuchâtel.