The journal ‘Political Philosophy’ is launched!
Political Philosophy has recently been launched! The new journal is edited by Prof. Robert Goodin (Australian National University) along with co-editors Christian Barry (Australian National University), Chiara Cordelli (University of Chicago), Jeffrey Howard (University College London), Nicholas Southwood (Australian National University), and Lea Ypi (London School of Economics). All the former Associate Editors and virtually all members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Political Philosophy will serve in the same capacity at the new journal, which has the full support of the international academic community.
Several CRÉ members are part of the editorial team: two co-researchers: Pablo Gilabert (Concordia University) and Catherine Lu (McGill University); one collaborator: Axel Gosseries (Université catholique de Louvain); and three members of the Committee of scientific experts: Marc Fleurbaey (Princeton University), Philip Pettit (Princeton University) and Philippe Van Parijs (Université catholique de Louvain).
A few reactions to the announcement are copied on the website of the Open Library of Humanities, including this one: “What’s new is old: After the Wiley-JPP debacle, the editors & board resigned en masse. Now those editors are founding a new, open-access journal, Political Philosophy. I think I speak for the poli[tical] phil[osophy] community in general in saying PP is the old JPP’s true successor.” – Arash Abizadeh (McGill), Associate Editor of Philosophy & Public Affairs