AEEF été

Les ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum, vol. 13 no 2

Le numéro d’été 2018 des Ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum vous propose un dossier intitulé « On Self-Deception » dirigé par Anne Meylan (Université de Zurich).

Vous pouvez le télécharger ici.

The 2018 summer issue of Les ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum offers a thematic discussion entitled “On Self-Deception” with guest editors Anne Meylan (University of Zurich).

You can download it here.

Au sommaire :

Liminaire / Frontmatter

Dossier : On Self-Deception

Sous la direction d’Anne Meylan

Anne Meylan
Self-Deception: New Angles: Introduction

Patrizia Pedrini
Liberalizing Self-Deception: Replacing Paradigmatic-State Accounts of Self-Deception with a Dynamic View of the Self-Deceptive Process

Graham Hubbs
Self-Deceptive Resistance to Self-Knowledge

Jakob Ohlhorst
How to Tragically Deceive Yourself

Federico Lauria et Delphine Preissmann
What Does Emotion Teach Us About Self-Deception? Affective Neuroscience in Support of Non-Intentionalism

Melanie Sarzano
Costly False Beliefs: What Self-Deception and Pragmatic Encroachment Can Tell Us About the Rationality of Beliefs

Marie Van Loon
Responsability for Self-Deception