CRÉ is launching a call for papers for a symposium on the Global South, Pluralism and Political Activism. Submit an abstract before February 16, 2025!
REMINDER : Fellowship for visiting professors – CRÉ 2025-2026
Make sure to submit your application before February 14, 2025!
“Quand la vie vaut d’être vécue”
New review by Christine Tappolet published in la Vie des Idées.
“Affordances and the Shape of Addiction”
New article by Zoey Lavellée and Lucy Osler published in Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology.
“There’s a Pill for That: Bad Pharmaceutical Scaffolding and Psychiatrization”
New article by Zoey Lavallée published in Topoi.
Invitation to the Journée d’étude en droit animalier
You are cordially invited to the Journée d’étude en droit animalier scheduled to take place on February 7, 2025. Registration required.
Tracés n°49. Journal of Humanities: “Manipulating Wilderness”
Call for contributions for the next issue of the journal Tracés. Submit your work before April 30, 2025!
Martin Winckler : Les Entretiens Brocher 2024
Interview with physician Marc Zaffran for the Entretiens Brocher 2024.
“Practising conservation: the intersection of decolonial and Ubuntu lenses”
New article by Olusegun Steven Samuel, published in The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability.
“Progress, Technology, Nature: Life and Death in the Valley of Mexico”
New article by Didier Zúñiga, published in Theory & Event.
UQÀM: Call for applications for a position as Professor in Subaltern or non-Western Political Thought
UQAM’s Department of Political Science is looking to fill a position for a professorship in non-Western or subaltern political thought. Submit your application before March 2nd, 2025!
92nd ACFAS Conference 2025: “L’élargissement de l’aide médicale à mourir”
Call for papers for the 92nd ACFAS conference on MAiD. Submit your proposal before January 15, 2025!
Université Laval : Call for applications for a position as Assistant Professor in Applied Ethics
The Department of Philosophy of Université Laval is looking to fill a position as Assistant Professor in Applied Ethics. Apply now!
“The Moral Virtue of Social Consciousness”
New article by Anna Brinkerhoff (Concordia), published in the Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy.
“Post-Christendom Ignorance in Secular Society”
New article by Gilles Beauchamp (UQÀM), published in the Journal of Applied Philosophy.
CIRAMM : Call for applications for two legal research assistant positions on MAiD
Call for applications for two legal research assistants at the Université de Sherbrooke on medical assistance in dying. Submit your application before December 6, 2024!