Paradigms of Justice: Redistribution, Recognition, and Beyond
Parution prochaine d’un ouvrage intitulé Paradigms of Justice, édité par Denise Celentano et Luigi Caranti, chez Routledge, et incluant des contribution de Denise Celentano et de Naïma Hamrouni, notamment.
This book explores the relation between redistribution and recognition, two key paradigms in the contemporary discourse on justice. Combining insights from the traditions of critical social theory and analytical political philosophy, the volume offers a multifaceted exploration of this incredibly inspiring conceptual couple from a plurality of perspectives. The chapters engage with concepts such as universal basic income, property-owning democracy, poverty, equality, self-respect, pluralism, care, and work, all of which have an impact on individuals’ recognition as well as on distributive policies.
An important contribution to the field of political and social philosophy, the volume will be useful to scholars and researchers of politics, law, human rights, economics, social justice, as well as policymakers.