Pre-conference on critical/feminist approaches to philosophy of emotion, at EPSSE 2024
Call for Abstracts: Pre-conference on Feminist Philosophy of Emotion at EPSSE 2024
Date: 18th of June 2024
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
We are pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the 2024 EPSSE pre-conference on Feminist Philosophy of Emotion. This one-day pre-conference aims to explore critical/feminist approaches to the philosophy of emotion. The co-organizers invite contributions that address, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Embodiment and gendered emotional experience
- Power dynamics and emotions
- Feminist critiques of traditional theories of emotion
- Emotional labor and affective injustice
- The epistemic role of emotions under conditions of oppression
- Ethical implications of feminist perspectives on emotions
- Political implications of feminist perspectives on emotions
Confirmed Speakers:
- Arina Pismenny (University of Florida)
- Ronald de Sousa (University of Toronto)
- Laura Silva (Laval University / University of Lisbon)
Submission Guidelines:
- Abstracts should be no more than 500 words.
- Abstract Submission Deadline: March 1st 2024
- Submissions must be sent to laura.silva.13@ucl.ac.uk with the email title: EPSSE 2024 Pre-conference
Submissions from members of groups that are underrepresented in philosophy and from those at an early career stage are encouraged.
Following the pre-conference, selected participants will be invited to contribute their papers to a special issue of EPSSE’s journal PASSION on Feminist Philosophy of Emotion.
Pre-conference organisers: Laura Silva (U. Laval) and Federico Lauria (U. of Lisbon)
Information on main conference: https://www.epsse.org/epsse-2024
Philevents page: https://philevents.org/event/show/118073