Search results: Christine Tappolet

AEEF été

Les ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum, vol. 9 no 2

Le numéro d’été 2014 des Ateliers de l’éthique vous propose deux dossiers respectivement intitulés « Attitudes, valeurs et environnement » dirigé par Antoine C. Dussault (Université de Montréal) et « Métaéthique et Métamétaphysique » dirigé par Fabrice Correia (Université de Neufchâtel) et Christine Tappolet (Université de Montréal).


Guillaume Bard

Candidat au doctorat en philosophie à l’Université de Montréal, sous la direction conjointe de Christine Tappolet et de Ruwen Ogien.

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The Montreal Workshop on Emotions and Normativity

The workshop, to be held on October 10-11, 2024, aims to discuss recent work on fundamental questions at the intersections of the philosophy of normativity, (meta-)ethics, and the philosophy of emotion.
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Alban Ridet

After studying philosophy and sociology in Lausanne and Paris, I began a doctorate in 2021 at the University of Lausanne under the supervision of Michael Esfeld as part of the project funded by the Swiss National Fund (SNF), “Parsimonious Ontology and the Relationship Between Science and Persons.” In my doctoral thesis, I am trying to […]

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Thomas Emmaüs Adetou

I am a doctoral student in philosophy under the supervision of Christine Tappolet and  Martin Gibert. Previously, I obtained a Master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Strasbourg (2020). I also hold a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy completed in Togo (2017). My interests lie in the philosophy of technology, ethics of artificial intelligence, and […]