“Structural health vulnerability: Health inequalities, structural and epistemic injustice”
Nouvel article de Ryoa Chung, intitulé “Structural health vulnerability: Health inequalities, structural and epistemic injustice“, paru dans Journal of Social Philosophy.
“In this article, I define structural health vulnerability to deepen our understanding of health inequalities from a political philosophy perspective. The contribution of political philosophy in the field of interdisciplinary research in public health ethics can be invaluable to explain the multidimensional factors that produce and perpetuate health inequalities. Not all health disparities are problematic from a moral point of view, but some are profoundly unjust, the latter ones are the subject of this inquiry. Although this research work began long before the COVID‐19 pandemic and this article does not focus on current events, the global health crisis reveals health inequities directly related to structural injustices at the national and international levels. The notion of structural health vulnerability contributes to the conceptual analysis of the social justice issues raised by health disparities.”