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Teaching Philosophy Through an Anti-Racist Lens

A Panel Discussion

May 11 from 4-6 pm on Zoom.

Presented by the Equity and Climate Committee.

Departement of Philosophy, McGill University

Moderated by Professor Alia Al-Saji

This panel brings together the expertise of Black scholars to discuss approaches to anti-racist praxis within philosophy. The panel:

  • David Austin, author, activist and scholar, who teaches in the Humanities, Philosophy, and Religion Department at John Abbott College and in the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada.
  • Agnès Berthelot-Raffard, Assistant Professor of Health and Critical Disability Studies at the School of Health Policy and Management (York University).
  • Geneviève Vande Wiele Nobert, McGill Philosophy graduate, researcher and activist, currently working on the Black Student University Access Network.