ALSP 2014 Annual Conference
School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds
Leeds, United Kingdom
Submission deadline: Friday, January 31 2014
Conference date(s):
Tuesday, July 1 2014 – Wednesday, July 2 2014
Association for Legal and Social Philosophy
2014 Annual Conference: 1st-2nd July
Local organisers: Kerri Woods and Derek Edyvane
Keynote plenary speakers:
Jennifer Saul (Sheffield)
Jeff Spinner-Halev (North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
Theme: Injustice
Papers are welcome in any substantive area of legal, social, or political philosophy (justice, democracy, rights, liberalism, communitarianism, punishment, etc) and from any philosophical methodological approach, but we particularly welcome those addressing the conference theme. Research into theories of justice has been exhaustively pursued within political theory in recent decades, but research on the distinctiveness of theories of injustice is an emerging field. Papers addressing the theme might examine the idea of injustice directly, or might engage with particular issues or instances of injustice.
Both individual papers and proposals for panels on related topics are welcome.
Please send paper/panel proposals to alsp2014@leeds.ac.uk by 31st January 2014. Submissions should consist of a title and 400-500 word abstract (for each paper, in the case of panels). These may be sent in the body of the email or as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .pdf), but please ensure that they are prepared for blind review (i.e. author’s name and affiliation should appear in your email but not with the abstract).
Any queries can be directed to the conference email address: alsp2014@leeds.ac.uk