Nouvelles publications de Marie-Chantal Fortin
En plus d’avoir reçu une subvention de recherche de la Fondation canadienne du rein pour un projet (2020-2022) intitulé “A mixed methods study of stakeholders’ perspectives on ethical and logistical issues related to advanced living donation in kidney transplantation in Canada”, Marie-Chantal Fortin a co-signé de très nombreux articles paru dans la dernière année:
- Sandal S, Charlebois K, Fiore JF, Wright DK, Fortin M-C, Feldman LS, Alam AS, Weber C. Health Professional Level Barriers to Living Donor Kidney Transplantation: a Qualitative Analysis. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2019. 6: 1-16. Accessible à: https://journals.sagepub.com/
doi/pdf/10.1177/ 2054358119828389 - Vallée Guignard V, Fortin M-C. Emerging Ethical Challenges in Living Kidney Donation. Current Transplantation Reports.2019. 6 (2) : 192-198. Accessible à : https://link.springer.com/
article/10.1007/s40472-019- 00241-6 - Downar J, Shemie SD, Gillrie C, Fortin MC, Appleby A, Buchman DZ, Shoesmith C, Goldberg A, Gruben V, Lalani J, Ysebeart D, Wilson L, Sharpe MD. Deceased organ and tissue donation after medical assistance in dying and other conscious and competent donors: guidance for policy. 2019. 191(22) : E604-613 Accessible en ligne http://www.cmaj.ca/content/
cmaj/191/22/E604.full.pdf - Janaudis-Ferreira T, Eysenbach G, Massierer D, Sapir-Pichadze R, Bouchard V, Dasgupta K, Fernandez N, da Costa D, Ahmed S, Fortin M-C, Langevin R, Mayo N. Getting on with your life with a transplanted kidney-GETONTRAK: protocol for developing an online guide for self-management and promotion of physical activity in kidney transplant recipients. JMIR Research Protocol. 2019. 8 (6): e13420. Accessible à : https://www.researchprotocols.
org/2019/6/e13420/pdf - Greenberg R, Ballesteros F, Allard J, Fortin M-C. Organ transplantation for foreign nationals in Canada: A survey among transplant professionals. Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease. 2019. 6 : 1-11. Accessible à : https://journals.sagepub.com/
doi/pdf/10.1177/ 2054358119859530 - Côté J., Fortin M.-C., Auger P., Rouleau G., Dubois S., Vaillant I., Gélinas-Lemay É., Boudreau N. (2019). Web-based tailored nursing intervention to support medication self-management: a qualitative study of the experience of kidney transplant recipients. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 2019. 37 (11), 564-572.
- Allard J, Fortin M-C. Débats entourant l’objection de conscience : le cas du don d’organes après l’aide médicale à mourir au Québec. Éthique et Santé.2019. 16(3), 125-132. Accessible à https://www.sciencedirect.com/
science/article/pii/ S1765462919300546 - Crawshaw, J., Presseau, J., van Allen, Z., Carvalho, L. P., Jordison, K., English, S. W., Fergusson, D. A., Lauzier, F., Turgeon, A. F., Sarti, A., Martin, C. M., D’Aragon, F., Li, A., Knoll, G., Ball, I. M., Brehaut, J., Burns, K. E. A., Fortin, M-C., Weiss, M-J., Meade, M. O., Marsolais, P., Shemie, S., Zaabat, S., Dhanani, S., Kitto, S., Chassé, M. Exploring the experiences and perspectives of substitute decision-makers involved in decisions about deceased organ donation: a qualitative study protocol. 2019. BMJ Open. 9:e034594
- Cardinal H, Ballesteros F, Affdal A, Fortin M-C. Canadian transplant nephrologists’ perspectives on the decision-making process for accepting or refusing a kidney from a deceased organ donor. Sous presse à Clinical Transplantation