DATE CHANGE: Research Postdoc in Social Justice
POSITION: This is a 1-year research postdoc at the newly founded Concordia Social Justice Centre (downtown campus). Salary: CAD 52,000 (including any benefits, health insurance etc).
This position is open to candidates with a PhD in hand or expected that would like to carry out a research project on the topic of social justice. The PhD can be in philosophy or in another discipline in the humanities or social sciences.
TASKS: Your main task will be to carry out your own research project, which has to be on a topic in social justice. In addition, you should give a presentation on this research during the year, participate in all activities of the center and help with the academic part of their organization. You might furthermore be expected to lead a colloquium with graduate students. There is no teaching associated with this position.
THE CENTER: Concordia University is launching a new, interdisciplinary center for social justice research in 2019. The center is hosted in the philosophy department and co-directed by Pablo Gilabert and Katharina Nieswandt. The main events during 2019 will be: a series of academic talks; two larger academic workshops (one in social and political philosophy, one in virtue ethics); and a public event. In addition to the postdoc, the center funds MA students.
GENERAL: Applicants should have fluent oral and written communication skills in English. Concordia University is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from underrepresented groups, such as women, visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities.
DEADLINE: JANUARY 5, 2019. (This replaces the old deadline of December 5, 2018)
START DATE: SEPTEMBER 1, 2019. (This replaces the old start date of February 1, 2019)
For more information