« Rethinking Public Health. Merging Disability Justice with Anti-capitalism »
Le Departement of Equity, Ethics and Policy, soutenu par la Katherine A. Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy reçoit Agnès Berthelot-Raffard, qui offrira une présentation intitulée « Rethinking Public Health. Merging Disability Justice with Anti-capitalism », le 4 avril 2023, de 15h00 à 16h30, en mode hybride.
Pour y participer en personne: 2001 McGill College Avenue, salle 1140 (11e étage).
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One of public health’s missions remains to prevent chronic diseases, mental illness, and severe injuries, although they are all part of the human condition. This ableist view encourages discrimination, harmful stereotypes, and abuse of people with disabilities in the healthcare system as well as epistemic injustices towards their narrative and way of thinking about their different functioning. This presentation discusses the problematic relationship between public health and disability and underlines how different meanings of disability represent a significant challenge for public health. This communication aims to expose the connection between capitalism and ableism and its impact on public health. From a disability justice perspective, I will develop the notion of “capacitalism” that I coined to highlight the hidden liberal dimension of the public health system and its aims to sustain performance society norms. This concept is directly inspired by a disability justice framework and calls for implementing a disability cultural competency.