« Structural Injustices in Our Nonideal World »
Ryoa Chung vient de faire paraître, dans The Hastings Center Report, un compte rendu du dernier livre de Madison Powers et Ruth Faden, intitulé Structural Injustice: Power, Advantage, and Human Rights (Oxford University Press, 2019).
Madison Powers and Ruth Faden’s book Structural Injustice: Power, Advantage, and Human Rights (Oxford University Press, 2019), is an invaluable contribution to help us grasp the contemporary ills of our nonideal world. The authors’ general claim is that the concept of structural injustice allows us to identify the causes and social processes leading to the violation of human rights and the production of unfair systems of disadvantage and privilege. Building on Powers and Faden’s well‐known thesis that social justice is concerned with the achievement of a sufficient level of well‐being, the book delves into an in‐depth discussion of their conceptual framework, incorporating concrete examples to illustrate their analysis.