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The Political Philosophy of Socialism

Martin O’Neill and Pablo Gilbert co-edit a special issue of Philosophical Topics, on the Political Philosophy of Socialism. The hope is that this special issue will work as a really substantive intervention in the discipline — working to break down some of the barriers between the socialist and liberal egalitarian traditions, and leading to more discussion of socialist ideas within analytic political philosophy.

List of the titles of the essays included:

Samuel G Arnold, « No Community without Socialism: Why Liberal Egalitarianism Is Not Enough »

Elvira Basevich, « W. E. B. Du Bois’s Socialism: On the Social Epistemology of Democratic Reason »

Pablo Gilabert, « Alienation, Freedom, and Dignity »

Carol Gould, « Socializing the Means of Free Development »

Alex Gourevitch, « Themselves Must Strike the Blow: The Socialist Argument for Strikes and Self-Emancipation »

Suzie Love, « Socialism and Freedom »

Martin O’Neill, « Social Justice and Economic Systems: On Rawls, Democratic Socialism, and Alternatives to Capitalism »

Tom O’Shea, « What Is Economic Liberty? »

Christine Sypnowich, « What’s Wrong With Equality of Opportunity? »

Kevin Vallier, « Liberal Socialism Is Not Stable for the Right Reasons »

Nicholas Vrousalis, « Free Productive Agency: Reasons, Recognition, Socialism »

Gabriel Wollner, « Socialist Action »