« Who’s Afraid of Philosophy of Emotion? »
Le 3 mars 2024, Laura Silva (Université Laval) donnera une conférence invitée dans le cadre du colloque annuel de la Society for Affective Science. La conférence est intitulée : « Who’s Afraid of Philosophy of Emotion? Promises, Challenges, and a New Concern for Justice »
« In this talk I will introduce philosophy of emotion and outline what it has to offer the interdisciplinary study of emotion (spoiler: a lot!). I will also highlight challenges that may arise when psychologists and philosophers try to work together and make some suggestions as to how we might overcome them. I will focus on ‘traditional’ philosophy of emotion but also on the more recent feminist, or critical, approaches to the philosophy of emotion that I believe are particularly relevant to future work in the affective sciences. »
Pour plus de détails.