Amandine Catala’s The Dynamics of Epistemic Injustice: Theorizing Epistemic Power and Agency
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26 mars 2021 Jour entier
Manuscript workshop on Amandine Catala’s The Dynamics of Epistemic Injustice: Theorizing Epistemic Power and Agency
Organizer: Pablo Gilabert (Philosophy, Concordia)
Commentators: Jules Salomone-Sehr (CRÉ Postdoctoral Fellow); Luc Faucher (Philosophy, UQAM); Natalie Stoljar (Philosophy, McGill); Naïma Hamrouni (Philosophy, UQTR); Alia Al-Saji (Philosophy, McGill); Pierre Poirier (Philosophy, UQAM); Kristin Voigt (Philosophy, McGill).
This workshop is by invitation only.