
Autumn Fiester, University of Pennsylvania

Quand :
25 novembre 2014 @ 17:00 – 18:30
Où :
Salle 3192-2 (3e étage)
7101 Avenue du Parc
Montréal, QC H3N

Dans le cadre de ses Ateliers de la bioéthique, l’axe Éthique et Santé du CRÉ a le plaisir d’accueillir Dr. Autumn Fiester, department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

La présentation sera donnée en anglais.


Making Weapons Out of  Principles: How to Protect All Participants in a Clinical Ethics Consultation


Internationally, there is an on-going dialogue about how to set standards for ethics consultation services (ECSs).  One question that needs to be considered is how ECSs can be taught to capture all of the relevant principles relevant in a particular ethics conflict. Failing to name all of the relevant principlescan have the most serious consequences for the least powerful individuals involved in the dispute. When an ECS does not possess the skill of naming ethical concepts or principles, it runs the risk of making one side’s claims seem more legitimate than another’s. The result is that one side in a dispute is given significantly more authority than the other.  The remedy to this problem is that ECSs learn how to find all of the relevant principles in a clinical ethics conflicts. Mediation training provides a good road map for uncovering the ethical perspectives of everyone involved in a conflict.