Chrisoula Andreou (University of Utah)
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit
Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
L’axe Éthique fondamental du CRÉ est heureux d’accueillir Chrisoula Andreou, dont la présentation s’intitulera “Incomparability and the Huge Improvement Arguments”.
I begin by focusing on a serious challenge to the small improvement argument for incomparability and developing and assessing a variation on it that seems more promising: the huge improvement argument for incomparability. According to my reasoning, the huge improvement argument is vulnerable to a serious objection. My reasoning also suggests that, if there are any cases of incomparability, they are cases in which at least one of the options is resistant to classification as positive, negative, or fairly neutral. The answer to the question of whether or not every (contextualized) option can be so classified is not obvious. I put forward a candidate option, and a supporting argument, namely the huge improvement argument for resistance to evaluative classification. Here we may finally have a viable foundation for supporting the possibility of incomparability.