CRÉ Summer School on Global Economic Justice
Université de Montréal
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit, Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ), Montreal, 1st-5th June 2015
The Centre de recherche en éthique (CRE) is pleased to announce a Call for Applications for its first summer school, entitled “Global Economic Justice”, running from June 1st-5th, 2015 at Université de Montreal, Canada.
In recent decades, theories of justice have shifted their focus from the domestic to the global context. Many of the questions at the heart of the global justice literature concern economic issues. For instance, what are the normative implications of the mobility of capital? By comparison, how should the relative immobility of labour, which is not altogether voluntary, be assessed from an ethical viewpoint? Who should benefit from the exploration of natural resources, and why?
The objective of the summer school is to provide an opportunity to gain an advanced knowledge of some of the literature on these questions, and to offer a forum of critical discussion of recent theoretical developments. The questions of global justice on the agenda all contain important interdisciplinary dimensions.
Course faculty:
- June 1st: Christine Straehle (Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa), global justice and migration
- June 2nd: Peter Dietsch (Philosophy, Université de Montréal & summer school organizer), global justice and fiscal policy
- June 3rd: Sylvie Loriaux, (Political Science, Université de Laval), global justice and trade
- June 4th: Clément Fontan (Centre de recherche en éthique, Montréal), global justice and monetary arrangements
- June 5th: Chris Armstrong (Politics & International Relations, University of Southampton), global justice and natural resources
The summer school will be held in English. The summer school primarily targets graduate and postgraduate students as well as young academics, but other dossiers will also be considered. The registration fee for the summer school is $150 for students and $300 for non-students. A limited amount of financial aid is available, including tuition waivers, and accommodation and travel grants.
For more information about the CRE, see www.lecre.umontreal.ca