Fittingness conference
Colloque organisé par Chris Howard (McGill) et Richard Rowland (Leeds).
Le colloque est ouvert aux membres du GRIN et du CRÉ, ainsi que leurs postdocs et chercheurs invités.
For more information: chris.howard@mcgill.ca.
(All times are Pacific Time)
Friday, May 14
9:00-9:45 Sara Protasi (U. of Puget Sound)
10:00-10:45 Selim Berker (Harvard U.)
12:00-12:45 Christine Tappolet (U. de Montréal) and Mauro Rossi (U. du Québec à Montréal)
Saturday, May 15
8:00-8:45 Jonathan Way and Conor McHugh (U. of Southampton)
9:00-9:45 Louise Hanson (U. of Oxford)
10:00-10:45 Jack Woods (University of Leeds)
12:00-12:45 Chris Howard and Stephanie Leary (McGill U.)
1:00-1:45 Michael McKenna (U. of Arizona)
2:00-2:45 Garrett Cullity (Australian National U.)
Sunday, May 16
8:00-8:45 Phillip Stratton-Lake (U. of Reading)
9:00-9:45 Tom Hurka (U. of Toronto)
10:00-10:45 Oded Na’aman (The Hebrew U., Jerusalem)
12:00-12:45 Alex King (Simon Fraser)
1:00-1:45 Richard Rowland (U. of Leeds)
2:00-2:45 Nicolas Southwood (Australian National U.)