« Environmental Stewardship and the Values of Nature »
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Quand :
10 mars 2015 @ 12:15 – 13:45
Où :
Salle 309 CRÉ
Université de Montréal
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit, Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Université de Montréal
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit, Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Jennifer Welchman (University of Alberta), chercheure invitée au CRÉ, nous offrira une présentation à l’occasion d’un midi de l’éthique.
Titre : « Environmental Stewardship and the Values of Nature »
Résumé : Common sense morality holds that we act rightly when we act as stewards of natural environment on behalf of our descendants, present and future. This view is widely rejected by the environmental ethics community for misrepresenting the values of nature. It is argued that the stewardship conception is flawed because it is (i) is anthropocentric (i.e., presumes all and only human beings possess intrinsic moral value) and (ii) subjectivist (treats nature as valuable only to the extent it satisfies subjective preferences.) I argue that both claims are false. The first rests on a category mistake. The second rests on an unduly reductivist view of the values we are warranted in assigning nature from a stewardship perspective.