Jonathan D. Ostry (Deputy Director of the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund)
3150 Rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal, QC H3T 1N8
Dans le cadre des conférences « En route vers le Sommet du G7 dans Charlevoix: conférences pour une croissance économique qui profite à tout le monde », le CÉRIUM, le CRÉ et l’Équipe de recherche « New Empirical Approaches to International Political Economy » (financée par le FRQ-SC) sont heureux de recevoir Jonathan D. Ostry, du Fonds monétaire international, offrira une présentation intitulée « Globalization, Inequality, and Policy ». La conférence sera suivie de deux courts commentaires.
The presentation will draw on the speaker’s recent work on capital flows, globalization, inequality, and growth, including a just-published book (MIT Press, 2017) on how to manage volatile capital flows, and a forthcoming book (Columbia University Press, 2018) on the causes and consequences of high inequality. A first part will focus on the relationship between high or rising inequality and the fragility of economic growth in many countries, and the role that redistribution (and pre-distribution) policies can play in making growth more sustainable. A second part will argue that many economic policies engender growth-equity tradeoffs, and that such tradeoffs—where they exist—should be taken into account in policy design and in the design of policy packages to ameliorate the tradeoff. A third part will argue that recent debates about the costs of increased globalization miss an important aspect: namely, financial globalization. Financial globalization needs to be part of the discussion because opening up to cross-border flows is associated with salient increases in inequality without much convincing evidence of a robust payoff in terms of higher growth. A final part of the presentation will look at the costs and benefits of paying down the public debt or what is sometimes referred to as “fiscal austerity.”
– Juliet Johnson, Political Science, McGill University and McGill Director of the Jean Monnet Centre Montréal
– Peter Dietsch, Département de Philosophie, Université de Montréal et Centre de recherche en éthique (CRE)
Dans le cadre de cette même série, il ne faut pas manquer la conférence de Valère Moutarlier, le 25 avril 2018, également à 16h00.