Julie Jebeile (Université de Berne)

Quand :
26 octobre 2021 @ 12:30 – 14:30
Où :

Julie Jebeile, Université de Berne, « Feminist Perspectives on Philosophy of Climate Science » (online | en ligne).


For several decades, climate science has provided the necessary insight to both understand the past and present climate, and to project future climate impacts, which in turn serve mitigation and adaptation policies. However, there is a so-called usability gap between the predictions climate models yield, and what people really need to know for climate change adaption. The usability gap raises intertwined epistemic and ethical issues, in particular as climate change increases inequalities. The philosophy of climate science has mainly focused on the adequacy of the climate models employed for the purpose of providing reliable information to decision-makers. Yet an adapted philosophical approach is required to understand how to provide reliable and usable information which fairly address the diversity of our needs as stakeholders. In this talk, I will argue that feminist epistemologies can provide complementary analyses and concepts in order to tackle the usability gap. I will outline a research programme that explores four interrelated avenues: the integration of stakeholders’ values in climate services; the use of several climate modelling perspectives; the inclusion of local and indigenous knowledge; and the connection between epistemic injustice and climate injustice.