Kent A. Peacock (University of Lethbridge, Canada)
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit
Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Dans le cadre des activités de l’axe Éthique et environnement, le CRÉ est fier d’accueillir Kent A. Peacock (Department of Philosophy, University of Lethbridge), qui viendra nous parler de la crise écologique à partir de la perspective plus large qu’il développe sur l’écologie et l’évolution.
Titre: Virtue in the Anthropocene
Résumé: Recently several authors have explored the possibility of a virtue-based approach to environmental ethics. This discussion has largely focused on moral virtues such as benevolence or humility. I will harken back to the ancient Greek conception of virtue as human excellence in his broadest possible sense. From this viewpoint excellence can include moral virtue but it could include other sorts of virtues as well, such as creativity and the capacity for heresy. I will argue that cultivating human excellence in the widest sense could be especially relevant to human well-being in a time of global ecological crisis.