Oisin Deery (CRÉUM)
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit
Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Dans le cadre des midis de l’éthique, le CRÉUM reçoit Oisin Deery. Le titre de sa présentation est le suivant: Against an Argument for Libertarianism.
En voici un résumé.
Libertarians often claim that our experience of freedom is indeterministic. This claim then functions as a step in an argument in favor of libertarianism, the view that freedom requires indeterminism and we are free. Since, all else being equal, we should take our experience at face value, libertarians argue, we should believe libertarianism. I argue that compatibilists, who think that freedom is consistent with determinism, can do better than their usual responses to this argument. I begin by conceding that our experience of freedom is in a sense libertarian, but I argue that it is also in another sense compatibilist. Thus, even if libertarian descriptions of the experience are correct, there is still a sense in which that very experience might be veridical, assuming determinism.