Philosophes pour la paix: Les années Obama – The Obama Years

Quand :
29 octobre 2010 @ 9:19 – 10:19

L’édition 2010 du colloque annuel des Philosophes engagés pour la paix présente:

Les années Obama: guerre, paix et développement environnemental

The 2010 Annual Meeting of the Concerned Philosophers for Peace presents:

The Obama Years: War, Peace and Environmental Sustainability

Montréal, 29-30.10.2010
McGill University
Thomson house – 3650 Mctavish
Frais d’incription : $100 – gratuit pour étudiants
Registration fee: $100 – students no charge

Organisatrice / Organizer: Local organizer: Tracey Nicholls

Télécharger le programme ici / Download programme here

Horaire / Schedule:

Vendredi / Friday 29.10

Room 404

  • 9:30


Charles Blattberg (Université de Montréal) Taking War Seriously
Dennis Rothermel (CSU Chico) Ungluing the War Machine
John W. Lango (Hunter College) U.S. Policies about the Possession and Use of Nuclear Weapons

  • 11:30

Peace and Nonviolence

Richard Peterson (Michigan State) Nonviolence in an age of social catastrophe
Andrew Fitzgibbon (SUNY Cortland) Somaesthetics: Body Consciousness and Nonviolence

  • 12:45 LUNCH/DÎNER
  • 13:45

Environmental Sustainability

Pierre-André Gagnon (UQÀM) Le Sénat et l’échec des ambitions climatiques du président Obama
Jean-Marie Makang (Frostburg State) Climate Justice and the Global Action on Climate Change
Tracey Nicholls (Lewis University) If Only They Were Money

Room 406

  • 9:30

La Justice Cosmopolitique

André Duhamel (University of Sherbrooke) Le mal existe dans le monde
Eddy Souffrant (UNC Charlotte) Paix et Cosmopolitanisme
Ryoa Chung (Université de Montréal) Soft Power and the Cosmopolitan Ideal

  • 11:30

Expectations of Obama

Predrag Cicovacki (College of the Holy Cross) Yes We Can! But What?
Arnold L. Farr (University of Kentucky) Inheriting Wrong Life and One-Dimensional Politics

  • 12:45 LUNCH/DÎNER
  • 15:45

Public Policy in the Age of Obama

William C. Gay (UNC Charlotte) The ‘Browning of Terror’ During the Obama Years
Gail M. Presbey (University of Detroit Mercy) From ‘Global War on Terror’ to ‘Overseas Contingency Operation’

  • 7 pm

Keynote Dialogue

Please note that due to medical and family reasons, the keynote has been cancelled – veuillez noter que, pour des raison médicales et familiales, la plénière est annulée

Saturday / Samedi 30.10 (Room 406)

  • 10:00

Knowledge, Violence and Upheaval

Kurtis Hagen (SUNY Plattsburgh) Spinning a Response to Crippled Epistemologies
Jorge Rodriguez (University of San Carlos) Violence and Cultural Traditions in Mesoamerica
Joseph Betz (Villanova) Sponsoring the Resettlement of an Iraqi Family of War Refugees

  • 12:30 LUNCH/DÎNER
  • 14:00

Author meets critics:

A discussion of the second edition of Duane Cady’s From Warism to Pacifism featuring: Duane L. Cady (Hamline University) Robert L. Holmes (University of Rochester) Richard Werner (Hamilton College) Barry L. Gan (St. Bonaventure University)

  • 17:00 Concerned Philosophers for Peace Annual Business Meeting (Open to all)
  • 19:00 BANQUET/SOUPER AND PRESIDENT’S ADRESS, Danielle Poe (at the Nil Bleu – 3706, rue St-Denis – banquet tickets: $25/person)