« Outline of a Philosophical Theory of Coping »
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
rue Jean-Brillant Montréal (Québec) H3T 1N8
À l’occasion des midis de l’éthique du CRÉ, Federica Berdini nous offrira une présentation intitulée « Outline of a Philosophical Theory of Coping ». Présidente de séance: Anne Iavarone-Turcotte.
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Psychological resilience is commonly understood as the ability agents exhibit in stressful, uncertain, or challenging situations, when they ‘bounce back,’ adapt, and thrive despite adversity. It is, arguably, the buzz term of our times, pervading common talk in our everyday lives as well as strategic plans in the private, corporate, and public spheres, and is often characterized as a very desirable and sought-after state, quality, or virtue. Philosophy has also demonstrated a novel interest in both the epistemic dimension of resilience and its ethical aspects. Unlike resilience, which remains an elusive construct, coping – construed as a process with the potential to produce resilience – has a longer and better-established history in psychology, and yet remains unexplored in philosophy. This paper begins outlining a philosophical theory of coping by addressing two sets of questions pertaining to its nature and normative assessment.