Rencontre avec les chercheur(e)s du Centre for Ethics, de University of Toronto
2910 Boulevard Edouard-Montpetit
Montréal, QC H3T 1J7
Le CRÉ est ravi d’accueillir les chercheurs/es du Centre for Ethics de la University of Toronto pour notre rencontre annuelle.
Titres et résumés des présentations
L’équipe du Centre for Ethics de la University of Toronto sera composée des chercheurs/es suivant(e)s:
– Samantha Brennan, « The Structure of Thresholds for Options »;
– Thomas Ferretti, « Egalitarian organizations and collaborative consumption: Why justice requires access to consumption goods »;
– Teddy Harrison, « Indigeneity, Impartiality, and Criminal Justice »;
– Clifton Mark, « Uneasy Bedfellows: Injustice and Harm in Struggles for Recognition »;
– Simon Lambek, « Starting with Rhetoric: Critical Potential and the Hermeneutic Circle ».
L’équipe du CRÉ, pour sa part, sera composée des chercheurs/es suivant(e)s:
Jeudi pm
14h00-14h45 Samantha Brennan , The Structure of Thresholds for Options
14h45-15h30 Richard Healey, A Relational Theory of Consent
15h45-16h30 Clifton Mark, Uneasy Bedfellows: Injustice and Harm in Struggles for Recognition
16h30-17h15 Jason D’Cruz, Renouncing Distrust
Vendredi am
9h30-10h15 Teddy Harrison, Indigeneity, Impartiality, and Criminal Justice
10h15-11h00 Simon Lambek, Starting with Rhetoric: Critical Potential and the Hermeneutic Circle
11h15-12h00 Thomas Ferretti , Egalitarian organizations and collaborative consumption: why justice requires sharing access to consumption goods
Vendredi pm
13h00-13h45 Jens Gillessen, Reason-tracking dispositions and the normativity of formal coherence
13h45-14h30 Paul Boswell, Intelligibility and the Guise of the Good
14h45-15h30 Angela Pepper, Nonhuman Animals and the Right to Privacy
15h30-16h15 Virginie Maris, Diverse values of nature and ecosystem services