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Tereza Hendl (University of Augsburg)

Quand :
19 avril 2022 @ 10:30 – 12:00
Où :
Par zoom.
First public seminar IRG-GHJ & CRE: Conference from Dr. Tereza Hendl « Health, intergenerational trauma and Russian imperialism ».



In this seminar, Dr Tereza Hendl (Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Augsburg, Research Associate at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and founder of the Central and Eastern European Feminist Research Network) will discuss the health implications of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. She will investigate this military aggression within the broader context and legacy of Russian imperial and colonial violence, and highlight the under-explored mental health dimensions, particularly concerns of intergenerational trauma experienced across affected populations and diasporas, to which she belongs. She will also explore the impact of racial oppression within Russian imperialism, the role of othering of Ukrainians and fellow populations subjected to Russian genocidal violence as well as the racialization of Ukrainians within the racial structures and hierarchies of Europe.