The CRÉ/Parr Joint Conference 2019
Caldwell Hall 213
UNC-Chapel Hill
The Centre de recherche en éthique (Center for Research on Ethics), Montreal, and the Parr Center for Ethics, Chapel Hill, are pleased to join forces for this day-long conference.
Conference Program
8:45-9 am Arrival and light breakfast
9-9:05 Welcome, Sarah Stroud, Director of the Parr Center for Ethics
9:05-10:05 Charles Côté-Bouchard (CRÉ), “Doxastic Partiality as a Manifestation (and not a Requirement) of Friendship”
10:15-11:15 Izzy Brassfield (UNC), “Understanding Conscience and its Role in Moral Deliberation”
11:25-12:25 Raffaele Rodogno (CRÉ/University of Aarhus), “Well-Being: Subjective, Objective, or Both?”
12:30-2 pm Lunch (catered)
2-3 Ian Cruise (UNC), “Consent, Promising, and Publicity”
3:15-4:15 Rob Willison (UNC), “The Ethics of Irony”
4:30-5:30 Katharina Nieswandt (CRÉ/Concordia University), “Beyond Frontier Town: Do Early Modern Theories of Property Apply to Capitalist Economies?”